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Vilsund's history is inextricably linked to the unique location at the narrowest point in the Limfjord. There has been a bridge or ferry service here for more than a hundred years, and the close neighborhood with Limfjordsøen Mors has in every way influenced the town.

Vildsund is a good starting point, with open doors to most of Jutland. Therefore, Vildsund is a good place to be for both residents and tourists.

It buzzes with life in Vildsund, and the companies thrive side by side with the city's residents.

The beautiful Limfjord landscape provides peace of mind, and many of the area's sights can be reached in a short time by car or bus. A far-sighted business town, and a really good place to live with the characteristic bridge from 1939 with 5 arches and flaps. Read more about the Vildsund Bridge.

Vildsund is a village with 395 inhabitants.


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