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Thagaard's Plantation

Thagaard's plantation is the first place in Thy where an attempt was made to stop the sand drift.

Here you can find trees that are over 200 years old.

In the northern part of Tvorup Klitplantage - just west of Kystvejen - you will find Thagaard's Plantation. The plantation was laid out in 1816 by Sand Flight Commissioner Laurits Thagaard.

The plantation is one of the first attempts to curb the flight of sand by means of tree planting. The experiment was inspired by plantings on the heath of Central Jutland. Spruce and birch were sown as seeds.

Spruce does not tolerate salt air, and birch must be sheltered from the westerly wind. Sowing in Thagaard was abandoned after a few years. Only when plantation areas around Thagaard grew up and created shelter did the surviving trees in Thagaard's Plantation follow.

Thagaard's Plantation is today a primeval forest-like shrub of stunted birch and spruce, which is often as wide as they are tall.


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