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Strik'a - strikkeretreats on the west coast

Knit 'a  - a knitting retreats by the North Sea. A retreat by the lovely West coast, with a focus on knitting, delicious food, beautiful surroundings and not least inspiration and immersion.

You can meet the knitting enthusiasts, MARIA BJERG - the psychology behind the joy of crafting, FREJASKNIT - learn to knit with leftover yarn and ALBERT REINHOLDT ØSTERGAARD ​​- wear your mistakes

Registration is open! Get really into gear on this 3-day knitting retreat by the North Sea. Experience workshops, knitting together, concert, peace and time for contemplation without interruptions and not least; self-indulgence in the finest surroundings at Hotel VANDret. We provide an inspiring program so you can relax in knitting experiences, culinary indulgence and Mediterranean wellness from the moment you step through the door. Welcome to STRIK A' - Knitting retreats by the North Sea.

You can find the programme right here


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