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Galleri Anna Fjord: New Exhibition with Torben RAVN / Upcoming Artist

LOOK FORWARD to the OPENING RECEPTION with upcoming artist Torben RAVN!

EVERYONE is WELCOME on February 6th from 2 PM to 6 PM, when Gallery Anna Fjord opens its doors for a NEW EXHIBITION.

COME and EXPERIENCE the artist as he shares insights about his work and life’s journey – and ENJOY an afternoon filled with art, good company, and a glass in hand …

Torben RAVN from Kolding is a trained Art Director and has worked as a Creative Director for many years. Throughout his life, he has expressed himself through painting.
His artworks are often inspired by his travel impressions. Another key influence is film – rich in atmosphere. He focuses closely on his subjects, capturing them so intimately that their faces transform into landscapes of wrinkles, eye sockets, and cheekbones.
His painting style is defined by bold, confident brushstrokes and a sharp graphic sense of composition. Dark shadows in black and deep blue contrast with radiant fields of orange, yellow, and red, challenging the viewer time and time again …

Gallery Anna Fjord
Engen 4, Lemvig
+45 20879773

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